Sure, you do a lot of marketing online because it’s inexpensive and effective. But sometimes you need to get face-to-face with potential customers, clients, and partners. That’s where trade shows come into play.

Trade shows put you in front of a target audience, but you have to get there first. You also have to compete for people’s attention with a showstopping booth.

You’ve designed a great display, lined up all of your products and now you need to get everything to the event space. Keep it simple by following these tried and true trade show moving tips.

Take the Time to Come Up With a Game Plan

When you’re gearing up for a trade show there’s a lot going on, but taking the time to come up with a moving game plan will make Day 1 much easier. Designate one person as the project manager and point of contact so there’s less confusion right from the start. Next, create an inventory list of everything you’ll need for the trade show. This list will likely grow, which is why it’s best to use an option like Google Docs. That way everyone has access to the latest version.

Any planning is better than no planning at all. When in doubt, move on to the next tip.


Touch Base With the Venue or Trade Show Organizers

As professional movers, we want to know about a property before we get there. It’s the only way to troubleshoot problems before they occur and throw the entire timeline out of whack.

Do you know where you can park to unload equipment? Is there a certain timeframe for drop-offs and deliveries? Do you know if power outlets will be readily accessible? Is there a special elevator that needs to be used for oversized display decor?

The trade show organizers may provide exhibitors with information on the venue or specific directions for loading and unloading. If not, give them a call. If it isn’t their first rodeo the organizers should be able to provide additional details.

You can also contact the venue directly. A few people you may want to talk to are the parking manager, facility manager, and events/exhibitor services, coordinator.


Protect Displays During the Packing Process

Did you drop big bucks on a display that will demand attention even if you’re in the center of the floor? Hopefully, you saved the boxes that everything came in.

The importance of packing cannot be overstated. In our experience, displays usually need specialized packing to make it to the trade show unscathed. The pieces may need custom crating or dismantling prior to being moved. If you’re short on time or worried about DIY packing enlist the help of trade show moving experts. The cost of hiring professionals is well worth ensuring everything makes it to the show in one piece.

Know Where to Store Everything

Once the display is unpacked you’ll need a place to store all of the packaging until the end of the trade show. Find a place that’s climate-controlled, moisture-free and has enough space for everything without crushing anything. If you’re traveling from out of town you’ll have to coordinate with your hotel, mover or the trade show venue to line up a place to park you’re packaging.

Need help getting everything to the SXSW Interactive trade show? Simpler Moving can pack up and deliver your trade show display while you handle all of the other last minute details. If you’re traveling to SXSW our local Austin movers are an invaluable resource that can help you navigate downtown and get everything where it needs to be before the doors open.

Give us a call to learn more about our trade show moving services!